Примерно пол года назад, стали приходить письма пару раз в месяц, с угрозами, что хакер взломал, компьютер и получил доступ ко всему, что только можно на компьютере.
Ну ясное дело, что меня трудно такими угрозами напугать.
Но вот многие обычные поьзователи стали волноваться и писать мне письма, а что нам делать.
Как привило 99% это тупой развод, запугать человека и вступить в дальнейшую переписку, чтобы ещё больше застращать и попытаться выяснить номер телефона, чтобы потом уже по телефону, добить пользователя и правдоподобно ему запудрить мозги и ещё больше запугать, с одной лишь целью, это вынудить человека заплатить хоть какую нибудь сумму денег.
Не реагируйте на такие письма, просто удаляйте и не волнуйтесь.
Вот примерный текст письма, который рассылают эти типа хакеры:
Your account was recently hacked! Change your password right now!
You might not heard about me and you obviously are probably wanting to know for what
reason you're reading this particular letter, is it right?
I'm ahacker who crackedyour email boxand systemtwo months ago.
Do not waste your time and try out to get in touch with me or look for me, it is not
possible, since I sent you a letter from YOUR hacked account.
I created malware soft to the adult videos (роrn) site and guess that you spent time
on this website to have fun (you understand what I mean).
While you were keeping an eye on these "great" vids, your internet browser began
functioning as a RDP (Remote Control) that have a keylogger which granted me access
to your screen and web camera.
Next step, my programgatheredall info.
You put passcodes on the websites you visited, I already caught all of them.
Of course, you are able change them, or have already modified them.
Even so it doesn't matter, my app renews information every time.
What did I do?
I compiled a reserve copy of the device. Of all the files and each contact.
I formed a dual-screen video recording. The 1st screen shows the clip you were
observing (you've got the perfect taste, wow…
, the 2nd screen displays the video
from your own webcam.
What exactly do you have to do?
So, in my opinion, 1000 USD is basically a good amount of money for this little
riddle. You'll do the payment by bitcoins (in case you don't understand this, try to
find “how to purchase bitcoin” in any search engine).
My bitcoin wallet address:
– адрес я вырезал —
(It is cAsE sensitive, so copy and paste it).
You have only 2 days in order to make the payment. (I built in an exclusive pixel to
this e-mail, and at this point I know that you have read through this email).
To monitorthe reading of a letterand the actionswithin it, I set upa Facebook pixel.
Thanks to them. (The stuff thatis appliedfor the authorities may also helpus.)
If I fail to get bitcoins, I shall undoubtedly direct your video to all your
contacts, such as family members, colleagues, etcetera?
Если бы не гравитация, многие бы уже давно допрыгались.